
Posts Tagged ‘pranks’

Shaker Heights High School Yearbook

Shaker Heights High School Yearbook

Here in the Curmudgeon Offices we are practical jokers.  We are also big fans of subliminal stuff, like the naked woman hidden on the pack of Camel cigs.  If you combine practical joking with subliminal, we are ecstatic.  When you consider the story of the high school kid who hid the F-word on his school’s yearbook, it fits all the criteria.

An art student in a fancy Cleveland suburb drew a modern interpretation of the school’s “Red Raider” mascot.  Turns out if you hold the book upside down then there it is…the “F” bomb, cleverly hidden in a throng of what appears to be people.

The writing "F*** Yawl"

The writing "F*** Yawl"

It wasn’t long before the word was noticed and then the hub bub begin.  Parents thought it was awful…the kids thought it was funny.  Now the school is putting out a new version with the profanity obscured.  Yeah, good luck getting my copy back.  The art student has already graduated but was brow beaten into making the following apology”

“I cannot begin to explain the miserable feeling I brought upon myself when I betrayed the trust of all of you,” the student wrote, according to a report in the news site Cleveland.com.

Aw, kid.  You disappoint me, but I can see how you felt you had no choice.  It’s the politically correct thing to do.  You pulled off a world-class stunt and got away scot free.  You have a future, son.  Here’s what gets me: the word is not so easy to see.  When you look for yourselves, look for the words “f*** yall.”  I think you have to really, really look for it, so I’m thinking he himself told others about the prank, otherwise, where’s the glory?

I think you really do have a future, kid.

Have you ever thought of politics?

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